Age of wonders 3 stqrting units battle ?
Age of wonders 3 stqrting units battle ?

age of wonders 3 stqrting units battle ?

I'm on mission IV, which has a strong undead theme and seems to reward being either Order or Shadow, both in events and just general mechanics. Vassals aren't a big thing, what with the frequency of locked or quest related diplomacy. I feel Order's gimmicks work best outside of the story missions. I didn't even wind up taking half of those because of how little they mattered to me in this game, it was sad. Which, even though Order gets some ways to gain free experience ranks, that's still a crazy prerequisite to get anything out of that final bonus.

age of wonders 3 stqrting units battle ?

wait, no, it's not all of them, only those with the max experience rank. Oh cool, all my units get some potent new buffs!. The improved Rally of Lieges stuff is heavily dependent on you getting good units from your vassals/wonders, and only kicks in every 15 turns the one bonus that gives you extra grievances with factions opposed to your alignment is bizarrely niche and the capstone is just sad. Stuff that improves relations with free cities might usually be fine, but is much weaker if there aren't as many of those, and that's probably the best of it. But a lot of their empire track is really niche. Some of it is quite cool, like how they get better healing than other factions, up to and including actual resurrection the Zeal/Condemned combo to deal big damage is neat and the Shrine of Smiting is an insanely OP mythic unit if you've already Angelized your faction. Have to say, I found Order a little iffy. Without capturing one of her other cities as a forward base I could never restock my forces after losing units in a reasonable amount of time, and she had too many forces for me to just send a few armies and target her capital for a quick win. The enemy there really knows how to pump out armies, and with her territory in the opposite corner of the map from mine, I basically had to slow conquer and annex all of her land until I was finally in position for a full assault on her capital.

age of wonders 3 stqrting units battle ?

Oh boy, that took longer than I thought, given how quick the first one went. Finally wrapped up that Order Orcs game on the second story map.

Age of wonders 3 stqrting units battle ?