Diablo 2 character quiz
Diablo 2 character quiz

diablo 2 character quiz

Cast all of my defensive spells then charge in casting all of my most powerful offense spells.Who would you want as a travelling partner?.Summon your own soldiers and save the money.You are traveling in the wilderness in a desert.Help the local church or some poor people.Practice my abilities with the spear and bow.What would you want to do on a daily basis?.Convert them to the side of good but kill them if they don't.Create a wall of bone then summon a golem to fight them.Summon a static field electrifying them.Charge in blindly trying to overpower them with your strength.How would you react if you were suddenly attacked by two common street thugs?.Take position on the walls and blast away with your spells.charge out the gates and take down as many enemies as you can.Take position on the walls and fire away with your bow.You will help them even at the cost of your life.Sigh and then leave the city unnoticed.The city you are in falls under siege and you are asked to help in its defense.Give him all the extra money you have and bless him.Say that he should get out of your way before you disembowl him.

diablo 2 character quiz

You are asked by an elderly man if you have any extra gold he can have.Call upon holy magic for aid while fighting with my sword and shield.Cut them down with my bow then charge with my spear.Set elemental defenses then use my magic to obliterate them.Rush in head first and keep fighting until I die or my enemies die.Summon minions while I cast spells from behind.Use holy magic for healing and striking down enemies.To summon undead minions under my control.

Diablo 2 character quiz